
Questions That Matter



Christian Militias & the Broken Gospel of American Imagination

The gospel was never about making us comfortable.

Do Progressive Christians Love Jesus? A Conversation with Randal Rauser

Randal Rouser has published a book in response to Alisa Childers "Another Gospel" which Randal has agreed to discuss with me.

Dennis Edwards on 1-2 Peter, American Politics, & Might from the Margins

In January of 2021, I was honored to talk with Dr. Dennis R. Edwards about his work on 1-2 Peter, his new book Might From the Margins, as well as the state of modern American evangelicalism. We discuss what... Continue Reading →

John Stott in a Polarized Age

What is discipleship? What should our posture be toward Catholics? Toward Muslims? What about our call to be peaceful in an age of nuclear warfare? What is the relationship between "good news" and "good works?" These and other questions are... Continue Reading →

Philippians, the Gospel, & Human Suffering: An Interview with Nijay Gupta

I had the great honor of asking Nijay K. Gupta, a prolific author and highly respected New Testament scholar, some questions related to Paul, the gospel, and Philippians. Gupta is the author of Paul and the Language of Faith (2020, forward... Continue Reading →

Michael F. Bird: Paul, the Gospel & Human Suffering (interview)

Michael F. Bird was kind enough to answer some of my questions on the essence of the gospel and modern perceptions of the good news about Jesus. (See here for the first interview in this series with Darrell Bock.) Michael... Continue Reading →

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